Weblog Vagozar Mishavad

This Weblog Is Being Turned Over
144 pages, 14.5×21 cm, Paperback, Ages 10+
A 16-year-old girl, Dorna, who decides to publish a story about Zaal, a teenage boy from Abadan, and his old love in her weblog to see her readers’ opinions. She decides to post the story in installments on her blog. Doorna gets back to Zaal’s past and narrates the story of him, a teenage boy who does not have family and works in a pet shop, and Fariba. Starting the war destroys his life and his problems increases when their neighbor migrates with their daughter. But this will not be just another cliché Iran-Iraq War story. Dorna is determined to make this weblog something altogether new. Unwilling to cave in to the demands of her blog-followers to hurry and skip to the end, she revels in the storytelling, allowing the past to catch up to the present.
(was translated to English)